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Phillip Tucker L.P.C.
Board Member
Shade Tree Therapy

I help people make peace with themselves and the difficult parts of their journey through various skills and techniques. Counseling is the container for building a solid relationship with my clients and helping them learn solutions to their problems.


My clients find mindful self awareness helps them tap into their inner wisdom and regular self-care practices help heal old wounds. This frees them up to live more fully in the present, while building an optimal future.


My resume is colored with a wide variety of jobs working with diverse populations. My history of working with clients from a variety of  backgrounds through previous non-profit, government, community mental health, and residential settings, deeply influences my practice.


One of my most rewarding experiences was working with individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. I learned so much about grace, love, and the tenacity of the human spirit.


I support AIA because I think its mission and values are solid.

  • I love the WHO's definition of mental health, which states mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.” Unfortunately, when I reflect on the condition of the community I grew up in, the stories of my elders and ancestors, and so on, I'm made aware of the barriers to mental health that exist for so many people. AIA believes that mental health care is a basic human right. That's something I can get behind wholeheartedly.


I see very practical ways in which AIA is helping address some of the gaps that exist in the field of mental health.

  • Studies have shown that African Americans are more likely to seek informal support when addressing mental health needs such as church, rather than engage in formal services. However, there does seem to be a positive trend of more African Americans seeking services for the first time. Unfortunately, African American providers are only a small percentage of providers, especially when you narrow the search based on particular insurance benefits. A quick Psychology Today will show there simply aren't enough African American clinicians to meet the demand of services. While AIA cannot replace traditional clinical mental health services, the community could benefit from more informal resources that promote mental health and wellbeing. I see AIA helping to move the cultural in a direction where people are more actively involved in creating environments that support mental health.

  • I am receiving my AAIT Foundations training at a reduced cost because of a scholarship that was made available by AIA and their supporters. I just invested thousands of dollars in other training and wasn't sure if I could justify the cost of training, despite my desire to attend. As a result of the scholarship I received, I will be able to serve more people more efficiently as a result. That's community right there. AIA is an organization that is making a difference in words and deeds and the community is reaping the benefits. 


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